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Roper Cinch ELITE

Roper Cinch ELITE
Vejl. udsalgspris   639,00 DKK inkl. moms
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,639,00  DKK(inkl. moms)
Standard gjord 6+4 mm tyk fra 26-36 længde
Formiga® Air Cinch is manufactured using the new, unique and patented Formiga® Air as in the numnahs.
Despite the thin material, it spreads out impact effects, and has breathing and absorption capability, absorbs up to 300% of its own weight, reducing the risk of skin maceration.

It is also very lightweight, provides enhanced ventilation, outstanding stability and anti-slippage properties. It's easy to clean and fights bacteria and odour.

All buckles in stainless steel.
Varenr.: F1565-30